Beginner's Guide: Five Immortals

Posts: 95
Dear Wanderers!
Welcome to the Beginner's Guide to Five Immortals! With this Guide, you'll be able to take full advantage of everything this sect has to offer. You will also be able to learn the history of this sect in the world of Wandering Swordius!

History of the Sect

Five Immortals is a mysterious sect of beautiful and enigmatic women who possess unique martial arts skills. Their weapon is a poisonous whip, which they wield with dexterity and expertise. 
These dangerous ladies reside in the distant southwestern lands, where they train daily under the guidance of their great mentor. Their training is filled with grace and strength, making them truly unbeatable in battle. Worshiping snakes, scorpions, centipedes, spiders, and toads, the Five Immortals find in them the source of their power and wisdom. They are the only female sect capable of standing against any opponent.
Beware of these mysterious ladies with their poisonous whips – they will surely show no mercy if you cross their path.

Sect Features
The primary role of the Five Immortals sect members is to adapt their martial arts to handle various dangerous situations.
Feature:  Сan use various Bug Skills and use Bug Points to cope with various battle situations
Current Effect Five Immortals Sect: 
Five Immortals classes have special bug skills, and casting bug skills costs Bug Points (max Bug Points). Different bug skills have different effects, and making good use of the bug skills is the key to win

Bugspirit trick: Own 5 bug skills, 4 basic skills that trigger 4 different bug skills and 1 initial bug skill

Initial Spiritual Snake: Summons a Spiritual Snake that increases the caster's Base ATK by 10% and MOV SPD by +10% for 60s.

Ice Toad: Summons an Ice Toad to fall from the sky on the target, dealing damage and creating an ice array at the foot of the target; the array slows affected enemies by 40% for 5s;

Centipede: Summons Centipedes that climb on the target and then detonate, dealing damage and inflicting Infectious Poison;

Jade Scorpion: Summons scorpions to damage enemies within range; if the target carries 4 or more stacks of Infectious Poison, they will be stunned for 2s;

Gecko: Summons a gecko, which charges 8 meters ahead while obtaining a 5% HP shield that lasts 5s. This skill can interrupt Rose Lash

Hex Butterfly trick: own 2 bug skills, 4 basic skills that trigger 1 bug skill and 1 initial bug skill

Initial Butterfly Phantom: Summons a butterfly to improve the caster's healing effect for 60s;

Pistil Sprout: Heals nearby allies and grants them the Butterfly Guide effect.
SystemDescriptionGIFBugspiritSummons a Spiritual Snake
that increases the caster's
Base ATK by 10% and
MOV SPD by +10% for 60s.
Dish WishesFive Immortals
summons dancing
butterflies to enhance
the Healing Done for 60s.

Sect Speciality
Each sect has its own two specializations, and for Five Immortals, these are: Dish Wishes and Bugspirit

Bugspirit: Disciples of this path can continuously inflict damage on their opponents with Infectious Poison, thereby causing explosive damage.

Dish Wishes: Disciples of this path possess a powerful shield and healing abilities, which provide the team with extremely high defense.

Skill NameSkill IconSkill AttributesSkill DescriptionSkill GIFSpider Rope
Feature, Super Armor,
CD: 14 Sec
Effect range: 10x4 m

Ranged catch & throw skill;
stuns the enemy within the
range of the whip, then
throws it to deal damage to
enemies within range;
casting this skill can gain 2s
Super Armor. Triggers the
bug skill - Ice Toad: summons
a toad from the sky to smash
the target, creating an
Ice Array under its feet,
and slowing it by 40% for 5s
Sharp Plume

CD: 6 Sec
Effect range: 12 m
A hidden weapon that
deals single attack to
enemies in a cone;
when used, it inflicts
an Infectious Poison
effect on the target,
dealing bleeding damage
over 15s, max 5 stacks.
Triggers the bug skill
Centipede: summons
Centipedes that climb on
the target and then
detonate, dealing damage
and inflicting
Infectious Poison
Silver Wing
CD: 12 Sec
Effect range: 4 m
Jumps forward 12
meters to the target's side,
dealing damage to enemies
around the place where
the caster lands, and inflicting
Infectious Poison on them.
Triggers the bug skill - Jade
Scorpion: summons a scorpion
to damage enemies within range;
when the target carries 4 or
more stacks of Infectious Poison,
makes it airborne for 2s
Rose Whip
CD: 18 Sec
Effect range: 6 m

Deals massive
damage to nearby enemies,
the more Infectious
Poison stacks they carry,
the higher the damage dealt,
each stack increases the
damage by 20%. Every time
the target carries 4 stacks of
Infectious Poison, restores 1 Bug.
The final hit will remove Infectious
Poison from players and pets. 
Triggers the bug skill - Gecko:
summons a gecko to deal damage
to nearby enemies; the gecko
charges forward 8 meters while
gaining a 5% Max HP shield that
lasts 5s. This skill can interrupt
Rose Whip
Blood FusionSpirit Stream: Increases
own Armor Break by 10% 

Soul Breath: Increases 
own and teammates' 
DEF by 6%, not stackable
Bugspirit Disciples
who practice this
martial art can
increase their
Spirit DMG.

Dish WishesSkill NameSkill IconSkill AttributesSkill DescriptionSkill GIFErrant MothSingle Target,
CD: 1 Sec
Effect range: 
Single Target
Grants an ally and
self a Butterfly Guide
effect, recovering HP
per second over 20s,
max 5 stacks;
this skill is a charging
skill, and the charging
takes 8s, can charge
3 times. Triggers the
bug skill - Pistil Sprout:
Five Immortals starts
dancing to heal nearby
allies and grants them
a Butterfly Guide effect
Dream DanceHeal, Slow
CD: 15 Sec
Effect range: 7 m
Five Immortals creates
a Butterfly Spring to heal
the target per second over
15s while increasing the
Healing Taken of allies
within the circle. Enemies
within the Butterfly Spring
will be slowed by 10% per
stack for 8s. Triggers the
bug skill - Pistil Sprout:
Five Immortals starts dancing
to heal nearby allies and
grants them a Butterfly
Guide effect
Solid LightHeal, Shield,
DMG Reduction
CD: 13 Sec
Effect range: 
Single Target
Five Immortals gathers
energy to heal an ally
and grant it a 10%
Max HP shield that lasts 5s;
when the shield isn't
destroyed, the target's
DMG Taken -20%.
Triggers the bug skill -
Pistil Sprout: Five Immortals
starts dancing to heal nearby
allies and grants them a
Butterfly Guide effect
Sweet HerbsHeal
CD: 35 Sec
Effect range: 
Self as the target
Largely heals nearby allies
and removes own Butterfly
Guide effect; the more the
stacks, the better the healing
effectiveness (+10% per stack).
Triggers the bug skill -
Pistil Sprout: Five Immortals
starts dancing to heal nearby
allies and grants them a
Butterfly Guide effect
Curing RuleGood Wish: Increases
own Hit by 10% 

Soul Breath: Increases 
own and teammates' 
DEF by 6%, 
not stackable
Five Immortals Disciples
who practice this
martial art can heal
allies in battle.

Ultimate Ability
Conditions for unlocking Ultimate skills:

1. Reach level 38
2. Complete the Main Quest – Character 1 Grab Manual - Be Enlightened

Effect: At first, heals nearby allies for 300% of ATK, then whips nearby enemies, and at last summons the Five Venoms Array to heal allies within range for 240% of ATK; the total HP recovery is equal to 540% of Base ATK, and deals 650% Base DMG + 650% All Elements ATK DMG

Ultimate: Equipping with Ice Core Ultimate can increase this Ultimate's practice stat by: ATK+10%

Inner Art – Art Talent

Upon reaching level 51, you unlock the Art Talent, where you can learn talents that will enhance the effectiveness of your skills.

Art Talent Bugsprint
NameLvlDescriptionWet Vapor51The charging time of Bug is reduced by 1sOdd Plume51Sharp Plume is changed from dealing multi-hit damage to single-hit damage, DMG -40%, CD -2sToad Dew51Ice Toad's Ice Array inflicts the Ice status on the target, each stack reducing their DEF by 1% for 10s, max 5 stacksToad Roar75Ice Toad can reset Sharp Plume's CDDry Whirl75Silver Wing's charge distance is reduced by 3 meters and makes the target airborne for  2s; also increases own DMG Reduction by 8% for 6sYearning75For every target hit by Sharp Plume, ATK +2% for 5s, max 10% increasePirouette94After releasing Spiritual Snake, the ATK Up effect will increase to 11% and HP will increase by  1%Whistling94Rose Whip's first hit is guaranteed to hit the target and the caster gains a 2s Super ArmorMiasma94Bugspirit deals 3% more damage to monsters in the Ice statusLunar Bug106Casting or triggering a bug skill will heal self for 8% of Base ATKOld Toxin106When releasing Jade Scorpion, if the target carries 4 or more stacks of Infectious Poison, triggers a 2s Skill Seal effectMalaria106Each stack of Infectious Poison reduces monster damage by 2%, the more the stacks, the higher the effectiveness, max 5 stacksToxic Mob123Normal Attacks have a 30% chance to obtain 1 Bug Point; for the Water RES Down and Spirit RES Down merge effect, gains one of them, and the other one increases as the sameLunar Air123After releasing Ice Toad/Centipede/Jade Scorpion/Gecko, grants teammates within 10 meters a 1% DMG Up effect that lasts6s, max 8 stacksSnake Gas123When releasing Spiritual Snake, deals5% more damage to poisoned targets, lasting 60s; also increases all pet stats by 50% for 10s
Art Talent Dish WishesNameLvlDescriptionStar Gift51Errant Moth can be used at any target, meanwhile, grants the ally with the lowest HP a stack of Butterfly Guide effectCascade51When releasing Pistil Sprout, if the target carries 3 stacks of Slow, ensnares it for 1s, can be triggered once every 8sRest Halt51In the Butterfly Phantom status, releasing Errant Moth has a 30% chance to restore the number of charges by 1Salubrity75Errant Moth can be used at any target, meanwhile, grants the ally with the lowest HP a stack of Butterfly Guide effectSweet Fog75When releasing Pistil Sprout, if the target carries 3 stacks of Slow, ensnares it for 1s, can be triggered once every 8sFast Moth75In the Butterfly Phantom status, releasing Errant Moth has a 30% chance to restore the number of charges by 1Rare Herb94After releasing Pistil Sprout, within 5s, the next skill's healing done will increase by 4%Portent94Sweet Herbs removes the Stun, Airborne, Ensnare, Slow, and Silence for teammates while increasing their DEF by 6% for 8sRevision94Monsters within the range of Dream Dance's Butterfly Spring will take 2% more damageWing Flap106When the number of Bugs is less than 2, casting Pistil Sprout once within the range of Dream Dance's Butterfly Spring will have a 30% chance to restore 1 BugFlooding106When attacked, has a 10% chance to slow the attacker by 10% for 8s while reducing their Block by 5% for 5sFresh Bud106Butterfly Phantom's Healing Done enhancement will increase to 18% for 60s.Hoarfrost123When Solid Light creates a shield, Healing Taken +20%; for the Water RES Down and Spirit RES Down merge effect, gains one of them, and the other one increases as the sameImmensity123When releasing Butterfly Phantom, increases the damage of allied players within 10 meters by 4% for 10s.Sympathy123After releasing Pistil Sprout, leaves a Butterfly on the ground for 20s, allies who touch it will get healed for 50% of Base ATK
There are combos that will help you achieve maximum efficiency.Combo NameCombo DescriptionCombo SequenceCombo GIFBugspirit Combo 1Cast the skills to
stack Infectious
Poison on the enemy,
cast Spider Rope to
control the target,
dash to it and deal
explosive DMG, then
get out of the battle
Sharp Plume=>Centipede=>Spider Rope=>Ice Toad=>Silver Wing=>Rose Whip=>Gecko
Bugspirit Internal Art Combo Apply Infectious Poison
x4-Silver Wing,
Jade Scorpion help to
approach and control-Rose
Whip sps the stacks/deals
EXPL DMG/gives Super
Armor-Gecko helps to
disengage Gecko to
Silver Wing=>Jade Scorpion=>Rose Whip=>Gecko
Dish Wishes Combo 1Heal the target,
granting it the
Butterfly Guide
effect, which recovers
HP over time
Errant Moth=>Pistil Sprout
Dish Wishes Combo 2Uses the ordinary
healing way to
recover HP for allies;
when an instant healing
is needed, casts
Sweet Herbs
Solid Light=>Pistil Sprout=>Dream Dance=>Pistil Sprout=>Errant Moth=>Pistil Sprout=>Sweet Herbs
Best Regards,WS Team⚔
Last edited: 16.07.2024, 16:29