Moonlight Blade
Moonlight Blade is a fascinating MMORPG in the traditional Chinese style. The game presents a magnificent world of martial arts, containing a different combination of techniques and features, with high-quality art technology, so that every blade of grass, every tree, hills and clouds are in front of your eyes.
There are 6 main clans represented in this challenge, they showcase the charm of oriental warriors in every move and style. Play:
Moderators: Лунь, strymoon
406 Threads 609 Posts 14.02.2025, 16:03
Wandering Swordius
Wandering Swordius is an online MMORPG mobile game based on ancient martial arts techniques. Players can choose their character and embark on an exciting journey through the world, where they will have to fight other players and monsters to reach the pinnacle of martial arts skill.
The game features different styles of martial arts and each player can choose their fighting style and develop their skills by engaging in various fights and battles. Play:
Moderators: strymoon, Gwinnet, Лунь
306 Threads 665 Posts 18.02.2025, 01:30

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