Beginner's Guide: Sun-Moon

Posts: 108
Dear Wanderers!Welcome to the complete Beginner's guide to Sun-Moon! Here, you learn everything you need to know about this intimidating group of warriors! This guide will walk you through each aspect of this sect and help you understand how to play as Sun-Moon. Get ready to immerse yourself into the world of ruthless combat!

History of the Sect

Sun-Moon is a mysterious sect with a renowned history dating back to ancient times.  Its disciples are trained in the art of combat using special dual swords, allowing them to masterfully fight both at a distance and in close distance.

However, this fighting style requires not only agility and speed but also ruthless self-sacrifice, as each strike and movement depletes their energy and life force. 

Recent events have tarnished the sect's reputation due to rumors about the former sect leader, who allegedly lost his sanity and disappeared after beginning to practice a forbidden technique. Various versions of his disappearance exist—some say he was consumed by darkness, while others believe he was controlled by an external will. For the disciples of the Sun-Moon sect, this has become a challenge and a test, forcing them to reflect on moral principles and the boundaries between good and evil.

Sect Features
The main role of Sun-Moon sect members is to use dual swords and self-sacrifice techniques.
Feature:  When fighting enemies, Sun-Moon Disciples can activate Sacred Flame and comprehensively increase their abilities at the cost of burning their HP.
Current Effect Sun-Moon Sect: Sun-Moon classes master the special skill Sun-Moon Holy Fire. This skill can be freely turned on/off, and can grant the caster the Holy Fire status. In the Holy Fire status, most Sun-Moon skills will be improved.
SystemDescriptionGIFOblivionWhen Holy Fire is active,
ATK +10%; triggers
Immortality after taking a
fatal strike and gains 2s
Invulnerability (CD: 3m) and
recovers 20% HP. When
Holy Fire is turned off, heals
the caster for 20% of HP loss
during the period of time
(up to 50% of Max HP)
RevelationWhen Holy Fire is active,
DMG -20%, Max HP +10%;
after taking a fatal strike,
triggers 2s Invulnerability
(CD: 3m) and recovers 20% HP

Sect Speciality
Each sect has its own two specializations, and for Sun-Moon, these are: Oblivion and Revelation

Oblivion: Disciples of this specialization can reduce skill cooldowns and deal massive damage in a short period, as well as increase their damage at the cost of their health.

Revelation: Disciples of this specialization possess the ability to absorb health in battle and the capability to resurrect after being wounded.

Skill NameSkill IconSkill AttributesSkill DescriptionSkill GIFLayering
Charge, Feature,
ATK Up, Slow,
CD: 7 Sec
Effect range: 6x4 m

Displacement skill; charges
forward to slow and ensnare
the enemy, triggering the
Phantom effect; within 3s,
the next skill casting will
make the target airborne
for 2s and get its CD reduced
by 3s; also launches multiple
attacks on enemies in
a rectangle with ATK increased
by 10% for 10s.
CD: 16 Sec
Effect range: 6 m

A 2-hit skill; in the 1st hit,
attacks nearby enemies;
in the 2nd hit, charges
6 meters forward, dealing
damage to enemies on
the route and leeching HP.
(The CD reduction of
Phantom takes place
in the 2nd hit)
Pit of Hell

Super Armor,
CD: 18 Sec
Effect range: 8 m

Jumps backwards and
throws the chain blade
into the ground, and
then quickly bounces
back to the starting
position, dealing damage
to enemies in a circle
on the ground.  If Holy
Fire is active, the caster
will enter Super Armor
when casting the skill

CD: 19 Sec
Effect range: 7 m

deals massive
damage to enemies
in a cone.
SunshineDragon Chant:

if the target's HP
(players and pets) is

lower than 80%,
DMG Dealt +10%,

if lower than 60%,
DMG Dealt +20%,

if lower than 40%,
DMG Dealt +30%,

if lower than 20%
DMG Dealt +40%.

Phoenix Chirp: after 
losing 20% HP, DMG 
Against Monsters +10% 
for 15s

Vast Aid: Increases
own and teammates'
damage by 3%,
not stackable.
is violent and fierce,
which can greatly
increase the attack

RevelationSkill NameSkill IconSkill AttributesSkill DescriptionSkill GIFPunctureFeature, Taunt,
CD: 10 Sec
Effect range: 10x2 m
Throws the chain
blade forward,
pulling the enemy
(multiple if monster,
single if player) on
the route back to the
caster's side and
taunting it, and then
collides with it to deal
Fog BreakDMG Reduction,
CD: 15 Sec
Effect range: 5x2 m
Throws the two
blades 5 meters
forward, then jumps
up and pulls back them,
after a short charge,
throws the weapon
forward to deal massive
damage. When Holy
Fire is active:
the caster's DMG
Taken -10% for 7s.
CD: 18 Sec
Effect range: 5 m
Jumps to the target
within 3 meters,
slamming the ground
2 times with own
weapon, making the
target airborne for 2s
Pull Monsters,
ATK Down
CD: 20 Sec
Effect range: 5 m
2-hit skill; in the
1st hit, quickly
rotates to damage
enemies on contact
while pulling
enemies to the caster's
side; in the 2nd hit,
deals damage to nearby
enemies and reduces
their ATK by 10%. 

If Holy Fire is active:
the caster will enter
Super Armor when
casting the skill
Tiger Howl:  Sun-Moon
Revelation drains
HP equal to 80% of
DMG Dealt from the
target, and their
damage taken from
monsters is greatly

Vast Aid:  Increases 
own and teammates' 
damage by 3%, 
not stackable.
swordsmanship is
violent and fierce,
which can greatly
increase the attack

Ultimate Ability
Conditions for unlocking Ultimate skills:

1. Reach level 38
2. Complete the Main Quest – Character 1 Grab Manual - Be Enlightened

Effect: Keeps hitting the enemy and inflict Black Blood, each stack reducing the target's DEF by  2% ; if the target carries Black Blood, the last hit inflicts Bleed that lasts  6s ; the skill deals  830%  Base DMG +  830%  All Elements DMG

Ultimate: Equipping with Ice Core Ultimate can increase this Ultimate's practice stat by: ATK+10%

Inner Art – Art Talent

Upon reaching level 51, you unlock the Art Talent, where you can learn talents that will enhance the effectiveness of your skills.

Art Talent Oblivion
NameLvlDescriptionFuelling51The CD Reduction of Layering’s Phantom effect is increased from 3s to 5sBoldness51Layering's Slow effectiveness is increased to 70%, and its duration is increased to 4sDisregard51Layering   inflicts Weaken on the monster, reducing its DEF by 4% for 6sUpturn75Decrease Layering's CD:  1sPersuit75When Layering   triggers Phantom, Upheaval's Lifesteal + + 20%; Pit of Hell's airborne time + 1s; the damage of Elimination + 30%.Trickery75Upheaval's damage to monsters + 10% Unfolding94When Fire Order goes out, HP Recovery is increased to 30% Blockage94Elimination ‘s damage to players and pets + 5%; the last blow inflicts a Heavy Wound, reducing the Healing Taken of the enemy by 15%, duration:  6s Depletion94Pit of Hell   rends enemies within range, inflicting bleeding damage equal to 40% of ATK per sec over 6sAftermath106After the Invulnerability wears off, DMG Reduction + 30% for 6sReprisal106Dragon Chant: when attacking players and pets, if HP is lower than 80%, DMG + 11%, if lower than 60%, DMG + 22%, if lower than 40%, DMG + 33%, if lower than 20%, DMG + 44%Hubris106When Holy Fire   is on, deals 2% more damage to monstersNew Onset123The HP Recovery triggered by Immortality increases by 40%; for the Wind RES Down and Fire RES Down merge effect, gains one of them, and the other increases as the sameDarkening123Targets made airborne by Phantom will get their Healing Done reduced by 50% for 5sCrossing123Sunshine's Vast Aid effect: Increases own and teammates' damage by 6%.
Art Talent RevelationNameLvlDescriptionPiercing51The attack range of Puncture’s   1st hit is increased by 20%Crushing51Puncture   impacts a target and inflict a 1s Ensnare effectTumult51Fog Break   inflicts Vulnerability on the target, increasing its DMG Taken by 2% for 6s, max 3 stacksDeadwood75When Holy Fire   is on, Radiance's 2nd hit grants self and allies within 10 meters a 30% Lifesteal effect that lasts 6s Rain Rope75Puncture ensnares the target; after Fog Break   hits the target, ATK + 4% and MOV SPD + 40% for 5s Step Back75For every enemy hit by Rupture, DEF + 4% for 6s, max 5 targets hitErosion94The duration of Radiance’s   array is extend to   8 s ; also deals   10%  damage to the target multiple times while gaining a  6s  healing buffTossing94When Holy Fire is on, Rupture’s   airborne effect will be extend by 1s Dark Side94When Holy Fire   is on, Revelation's HP Increase will increase from 10% to 15% Rigidity106When Holy Fire   is on, Revelation's Lifesteal effect will increase by 10% Hard Line106When Holy Fire   is on: For every 10% HP loss, deals 40% ATK DMG to enemies within 4 metersFirmness106When Holy Fire   is on, if HP is lower than 60%, DMG Taken - 10%, if lower than 30%, DMG Taken - 20%Avoidance123Extends the Invulnerability duration triggered by Immortality by 1s, for the Wind RES Down and Fire RES Down merge effect, gains one of them, and the other one increases as the samePassion123After triggering Immortality, Sun-Moon enters the Rampage status and Lifesteal increases by 200% for 10sExpliation123When Holy Fire   is on: if HP loss is more than 20%, grants nearby allies a stack of DMG Reduction effect, each stack reducing their DMG Taken by 5% for 10s, max 5 stacks. Can only get one stack from an attack.
There are combos that will help you achieve maximum efficiency.Combo NameCombo DescriptionCombo SequenceCombo GIFOblivion Combo 1Activates the
Holy Fire status,
using Layering to
approach and mark
the enemy, then
casts Upheaval to
control the target,
and drains the
target's HP to heal
Sacred Flame=>Layering=>Upheaval
Oblivion Combo 2Activate Holy Fire
status, cast Layering
to approach and mark
the enemy, then cast
Pit of Hell to control
the target, in the end,
cast Elimination to
deal AoE DMG
Sacred Flame=>Layering=>Pit of Hell=>Elimination
Oblivion Combo 3Activate Holy Fire status,
cast Pit of Hell to grant
self Super Armor and
resist the control, cast
Layering to approach
the enemy, then cast
Elimination to deal DMG
Sacred Flame=>Pit of Hell=>Layering=>Elimination
Revelation Combo 1Holy Fire status is
activated — Puncture
pulls the target to
the caster’s side,
Rupture makes the
target airborne,
then Radiance grants
Super Armor and
deals DMG
Sacred Flame=>Puncture=>Rupture=>Radiance
Oblivion Internal Art ComboCasts Layering first,
making skill castings
greatly reduce
skill CD, in this way,
Sun-Moon can keep
their skill circle short,
allowing them to deal
more skill damage.
Sacred Flame=>Layering=>Pit of Hell=>Layering=>Elimination
Best Regards,WS Team⚔
Last edited: 10.07.2024, 09:04