[27.01.2024] Attention! What's OBT?

Dear Warriors!

We want to share important details regarding the Open Beta Test (OBT).

🤔 1. What is Open Beta Test (OBT) 🤔

OBT is a development phase where we provide you, our dedicated warriors, access to the game for testing and exploring the world of Moonlight Blade. Your participation and feedback help us improve the game and make it even more thrilling.

⚒️ 2. Unscheduled Maintenance Work ⚒️

We aim to provide you with the best gaming experience, and sometimes this requires unscheduled maintenance work. On such occasions we strive to minimize the impact on your gaming experience and provide all necessary information in advance. However, sometimes maintenance may be conducted urgently or rescheduled from the originally specified time.

🔒 3. Progress Save in OBT 🔒

Please be assured that all your characters, their development progress, and achievements earned during the open beta testing will be preserved after the project's status changes. Your contribution to our world will stay with you!

Thank you for your patience, passion, and participation in Moonlight Blade. Together, we are creating something truly magical!

With love and gratitude,

Moonlight Blade Team 🌙✨

Share: 27.01.2024, 18:27:48