Mentorship / Apprenticeship

Posts: 1104
Mentorship system is a great way for older and higher prowess players to help newer lower prowess players catch up by taking them in as apprentices (mentees).
In this topic we’ll discuss all you need to know about the mentorship system so you can make the best out of it.

How to access the Mentorship/Apprenticeship Interface?
To access the Mentorship interface, you need to click on the "Social" tab icon

which will open your friend list interface then select "Mentorship" tab as shown in the images below:

To access Apprenticeship Interface, you need to click on "School" tab once you are in "Mentorship" interface as shown in the image below:

Requirements for Mentorship
  • An apprentice (mentee) can have up to 3 normal mentors and 1 personal mentor.

  • A mentor (master) can have up to 4 normal apprentices and 2 personal apprentices.

  • A mentor’s peak prowess needs to be at least 15% higher than the player they wish to take in as an apprentice.

(Note: peak prowess means highest recorded prowess score for the player so trying to remove some gear to reduce your prowess in an attempt to workaround this system won’t work)

  • Once a normal apprentice graduates , they can’t be a normal apprentice for any mentor again but they can become a personal apprentice instead.
  • The player must have at least 20k prowess if they wish to become a mentor.
  • If a player has a normal mentor, they won’t be allowed to take in apprentices till they graduate or leave their apprenticeship.
  • If a player has a personal mentor, they can take in apprentices.

How to find an apprentice or a mentor?
  • The easiest way is to ask on world chat in game for a mentor or apprentice.
  • Another way to find a mentor or apprentice is to join the official Moonlight Blade mobile discord and ask on the proper mentorship channel for your server.

  • Once you find a player you’d like to take in as an apprentice, click on their portrait in chat or in social / friend list to open interaction menu then click Take Apprentice to send them a request to become their mentor.

Once you find a player you’d like to be your mentor, click on their portrait in chat or in social / friend list to open interaction menu then click Apprenticeship to send them a request to become their apprentice.

What is Personal Mentorship/Apprenticeship?

  • A personal mentorship/apprenticeship is like the normal mentorship/apprenticeship but its permanent meaning a personal apprentice never graduates.
  • Notice that if an apprentice graduated from mentorship, they can’t become a normal apprentice again to any mentor but can become personal apprentice instead.
  • The only way to end a personal mentorship/apprenticeship is if the mentor removes the personal apprentice or if the apprentice leaves the personal apprenticeship.
  • The mentor can’t use the Master - Apprentice Succession feature to pass equipment to personal apprentice.
  • To start a personal mentorship/apprenticeship, the apprentice will need to invite the mentor to team and go to the NPC Mo Xuan in Dongyue near (587,852) together.

  • Then the apprentice should talk to Mo Xuan in and choose Take the Personal Apprenticeship Quest option. Make sure the apprentice is the team leader for this to work. The apprentice and the mentor should accomplish the personal apprenticeship quest together after to start the personal mentorship/apprenticeship.

Mentorship Milestone quests

  • These are a total of 3 different and simple quests that the apprentice and mentor need to do together. The apprentice will need to invite the mentor to team and then they’ll need to go together to the NPC Chen Xu in Dongyue near (421,800).

  • Then the apprentice is required to talk to to Chen Xu and choose the second option which is Taking the master-apprentice milestone quest. The apprentice must be the team leader for this to work.

  • Whenever one of these milestone quests is available, the apprentice will be able to see an indicator of that at the bottom left of the apprenticeship interface (School tab)

  • Each of these quests awards 100 apprentice points to the apprentice so a total of 300 apprentice points awarded when accomplishing the 3 milestone quests.
  • Accomplishing these 3 milestone quests with the apprentice is required for that apprentice’s graduation later on.

Mentorship experience (Apprentice points) and mentorship level
  • Mentorship experience (aka apprentice points) are required to gain and promote mentorship level.

  • Mentorship experience and mentorship level are pointless for the apprentice but valuable for the mentor because, the higher the mentorship level stage the apprentice has , the more mentor points that the mentor will gain once that apprentice graduates later on.
  • The highest mentorship level stage is Master of Generations which an apprentice reaches once they have 2000 mentorship experience. Therefore, an apprentice getting more apprentice points than 2000 is useless for both the mentor and the apprentice.
  • There are many ways for the apprentice to gain mentorship experience and all of them require the apprentice to be teamed up with the mentor. All of the methods for the apprentice to gain mentorship experience and how much mentorship experience each method gives are shown in details in the image below.

  • The fastest methods are doing the 3 milestone quests which reward 100 points each and the second best method is mentor and apprentice teaming up to do Tale Challenge which gives 25 points for each boss so 100 points per run (4 bosses) so the fastest way to get up to 2000 points is for the apprentice to team up with the mentor and do the 3 milestone quests together then do 17 runs of Tale Challenge together. The recommended Tale Challenge to do for that is Snowy Abyss (Normal) which is the fastest and easiest Challenge Tale to clear at the moment.

Benefits the mentor can provide to the apprentice
1. Passing Prowess:

  • While the name can be misleading, passing prowess is simply a feature where the mentor can give the apprentice some crudes which are needed to enhance meridians.
  • The mentor can pass prowess 3 times a week per apprentice and can do pass prowess 10 times a week max.
  • When a mentor takes in a new apprentice, there will be a 24 hours cooldown till they can pass prowess to that apprentice.
  • To pass prowess, the mentor needs to meet the apprentice in the game and highlight the apprentice’s character then open the movement (emote) panel near the chat box

  • and do the Pass on Prowess emote (in Function tab) on the apprentice as show in the images below:

2. Master - Apprentice Succession:

  • This feature allows the mentor to send gear/equipment to the apprentice.
  • As a mentor, it might be worth saving some of the crafting material from older tales and challenges to craft gear for apprentices.
  • When a mentor takes in a new apprentice, there will be a 24 hours cooldown till they can send equipment to that apprentice.
  • Both mentor and apprentice will need to be online and in same scene for that feature to work.
  • This feature is available for the mentor to use only with normal apprentices not personal ones.
  • To send equipment to apprentice, the mentor will need to open Mentorship interface then click the desired apprentice’s portrait to open the interaction menu then click Master - Apprentice Succession as shown in the images below:

3. Tale Summon:

  • This feature allows the mentor to get the apprentice in tales and challenges higher than the apprentice’s level as long as the apprentice is in same team with the mentor.
  • This allows the apprentice to engage in some end game PVE content like tales while being low level with the help of their mentor.
  • This feature can also be used by the mentor to power level a lower level apprentice in a high level tale.

Benefits of the Mentorship system for the mentor
1. Mentorship points and Mentor shop:

  • There are a few methods for a mentor to gain mentorship points and a mentor can gain up to 2000 mentor points max per week. The first method is by doing Mentorship Quests.

  • The second method for a mentor to gain mentorship points is by graduating apprentices. The higher the apprentice’s mentorship level stage , the more points the mentor will receive upon that apprentice’s graduation. This is not affected by the 2000 mentor points weekly limit.

  • The mentor can use mentor points to  purchase lots of useful stuff from the mentorship shop including a pretty outfit, cute accessories, books for homeland, certain resources and a special alias.

2. Mentorship achievements:

  • There are 4 series of mentorship achievements which reward lots of achievement points in the Chivalric Tenderness achievement category as shown in the images below.

Benefits of Mentorship system that both mentor an apprentice get
1. Mentorship Teleport:

  • This feature allows the mentor to convoke/summon the apprentice to teleport to their location and vice versa (as in it also allows apprentice to summon the mentor to teleport to their location) as long as both are online.
  • The mentor can invite each apprentice 3 times a day and an apprentice can invite the mentor 3 times a day.
  • To convoke/summon an apprentice or a mentor, click on their character portrait to open interaction menu then choose the Summon option.

2. Increased Friendship level cap:

  • It is recommended to add your apprentice/mentor to your friend list because, mentorship system increases the friendship level cap between mentor and apprentice. This is one of only 2 methods to increase friendship level cap, the other method being fellowship level.
  • Increasing friendship level gives both the apprentice and mentor that are friends a friendship buff that grows stronger with each friendship level. This is beneficial since most of the mentorship content requires the apprentice teaming up with the mentor.

Apprentice graduation requirements:

  • The apprentice must have completed all 3 milestone quests with the mentor.
  • Graduation can happen on at least the 14th day after the player has become an apprentice for the mentor they wish to graduate from.
  • Only normal/external apprentices can graduate. Personal apprentices can’t graduate at all.

How to start graduation quest?
  • The apprentice will need to team up with the mentor they wish to graduate from. Then the apprentice and the mentor will need to go together to the NPC Zhang Wen in Jiangnan near (153,656)

  • and the apprentice will need to talk to Zhang Wen and choose the third dialogue option which is Take the Graduation Quest. The apprentice will have to be the team leader for this to work.

Graduation rewards:

  • Graduation rewards for apprentice are fixed regardless of their mentorship level stage. The rewards an apprentice gets on graduation are 1 million silver , 100 guild merit mark (which gives 50 guild contribution each) , 4 Marks of Horizon 1 and 10 Seeking Perfection Giftbox (which gives random resources depending on what you’re weakest at)

  • Graduation rewards for mentor are mentor points which depend on the mentorship level the apprentice graduated at as shown earlier in the guide.

🥰 Thanks to Nuann (Oleander) for writing the “Mentorship / Apprenticeship” feature guide. 🥰
Last edited: 15.10.2024, 18:53