Beginner's Guide: Wudang Guide

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Dear Wanderers!
Welcome to another Beginner's Guide! Here, you'll learn how to play as Wudang. combining spectacular martial arts with sheer force. Take advantage of various skills and abilities at your disposal to deal with all kinds of encounters!
History of the Sect

Located high among the mountains with a picturesque view, the Wudang sect is renowned for its magnificent martial arts techniques that combine skill and power. Its disciples dedicate themselves to the practice of martial arts, striving for perfection in both their art and personal character.

Their leader, reputed to be the greatest swordsman in Jianghu, serves as an inspiration and teacher to all members of the sect. It is said that under his guidance, one can achieve harmony and reach the highest level of mastery.

The Wudang sect remains a mysterious and majestic place, attracting new seekers of enlightenment.

Sect Features
The primary role of Wudang sect members is to use Sword QI in their martial arts.
Feature:  When fighting enemies, Wudang Disciples accumulate Sword Qi, and they can use Sword Qi to cast skills and deal massive damage.

Current Effect Wudang Sect: Wudang classes will generate Sword Qi after casting certain skills, can store a max of 5 Sword Qi. Wudang has a special class skill: when you have less than 5 Sword Qi, casting the class skill will cost 1 Sword Qi, dealing moderate damage to targets within a small area, the damage is not stackable; when you have 5 Sword Qi, casting the class skill will cost Sword Qi, dealing massive damage to enemies within a large area.
SystemDescriptionGIFFlexible SwordUsing 1 Sword Qi will
deal damage to enemies in a small circle;
gains the Dust Birth effect, each stack
increasing Flexible Sword's damage by 5%,
max 5 stacks.
Thirteen SwordsUsing all Sword Qi will
conjure swords from the sky,
dealing massive damage.
Sect Speciality
Each sect has its own two specializations, and for Wudang, these are: True Martial and Tai Chi.

True Martial: Disciples of this specialization excel in both controlling the opponent in close combat and maintaining mobility at a distance.

Tai Chi: Disciples of this specialization possess the ability to break free from the enemy's control.

True Martial
Skill NameSkill IconSkill AttributesSkill DescriptionSkill GIFEncircling
Slow, Airborne
CD: 12 Sec
Effect range: 4.5 m
Summons 8 flying swords
to circle around the enemy
and deal damage to enemies
in a circle; enemies hit will
be slowed; the 2nd hit will
make the target airborne
for 2s; gains 1 Sword Qi
upon casting the skill.
Airborne, Output
CD: 14 Sec
Effect range: 3 m
Drives multiple
afterimages to attack
enemies in a rectangle,
the farther the afterimage,
the higher the damage. 
The first afterimage can
make the target airborne
and repelled; gains 2
Sword Qi upon casting
the skill.
Wide Swing
DMG Up, Output
CD: 18 Sec
Effect range: 14x3 m
Changes Qi into a sword,
dealing massive damage
to enemies in a rectangle;
gains 2 Sword Qi upon
casting the skill; the skill
damage will increase by
10% if the target is
stunned or slowed.
Cloud Step
Charge, DMG Up, Slow
CD: 15 Sec
Effect range: 3.5 m
Deals damage to enemies
within a radius of 3.5
meters, slows them by
40% for 4s, and instantly
charges forward 8 meters;
Normal Attack DMG +10%
for 8s after casting the skill.
Sky BreathChong & Ying: Increases
own Dodge by 10%  

Tao Inquiry: Increases 
own and teammates' 
Crit by 6%, not stackable

 Thirteen Swords: True Martial 
class skill; uses all Sword Qi 
to conjure swords from the sky, 
dealing massive damage.

Flexible Sword: True Martial 
class skill; uses 1 Sword Qi to 
damage enemies in a small 
circle; gains the Dust Birth 
effect, each stack increasing 
Flexible Sword's damage by 
5%, max 5 stacks.

Wudang True Martial
channels Qi with a sword.
True Martial disciples who
practice this martial art
can increase their
Spirit DMG.

Tai ChiSkill NameSkill IconSkill AttributesSkill DescriptionSkill GIFOctagonFeature, CD, DEF Up,
CD: 12 Sec
Effect range: 6 m

Sets up an Octagon
with a 6-meter radius
underfoot, increasing
own ATK and DEF by
20% for 8s; charging
time: 12s, max 2 charges.
Casting Flexible Sword
and Easy Way within
the array will reduce
their CD by 2s.
Easy WayOutput
CD: 6 Sec
Effect range: 5 m

Releases a Qi
blast to attack
enemies in a circle;
gains 1 Sword Qi
upon casting the skill.
TyphoonDMG Up, Output
CD: 18 Sec
Effect range: 14 m

Summons the force
of hurricane to deal
massive damage to
enemies in a rectangle;
casting this skill can
restore 1 Sword Qi; if
the enemy is in the Skill
Seal status, the final blow
will make it airborne for 2s.
If the caster carries Dust
Birth, each stack increases
the skill damage by 8%,
max 40% increase.
Swan DiveMove, Output
CD: 16 Sec
Effect range: 14x5 m

2-hit skill; the 1st hit
deals massive damage
to enemies in a
rectangle and stuns
them for 2s; the 2nd hit
summons a black crane
and a white crane to
attack enemies within
a radius of 5 meters;
the caster can move
when casting, and
casting this skill can
restore 1 Sword Qi.
Vital VerveInfinite: Increases own
Block by 10%.
When stunned or
airborne, restores
all Sword Qi, can be
triggered once every

Tao Inquiry: Increases 
own and teammates' 
Crit by 6%, not 

Pure Yang Power: Tai Chi 
class skill; uses all 
Sword Qi to remove own 
controls, damages enemies 
within a large area around, 
and inflicts a 3s Skill Seal 
and Stun effect on them. 

Flexible Sword: Tai Chi 
class skill; uses 1 Sword 
Qi to damage enemies in 
a small circle; gains the 
Dust Birth effect, each 
stack increasing Flexible 
Sword's damage by 10%, 
max 5 stacks.

Wudang Tai Chi
uses softness to
overcome hardness
and copes with all
motions by remaining
motionless. Tai Chi
disciples are adept at
taking the opponent's
strength and use
it against them.

Ultimate Ability
Conditions for unlocking Ultimate skills:

1. Reach level 38
2. Complete the Main Quest – Character 1 Grab Manual - Be Enlightened

Effect: First attack slows the enemy for 3s, the subsequent attacks inflict Harm on the enemy, at 5 stacks, the enemy will be ensnared for 4s; deals 820% Base DMG + 820% All Elements DMG

Ultimate: Equipping with Ice Core Ultimate can increase this Ultimate's practice stat by: ATK+10%

Inner Art – Art Talent

Upon reaching level 51, you unlock the Art Talent, where you can learn talents that will enhance the effectiveness of your skills.

Art Talent True Martial
NameLvlDescriptionAureole51Dust Birth's effectiveness is increased to: each stack increases 10% Flexible Sword's damageCool Waft51Encircling's 2nd hit reduces the enemy's MOV SPD by 30% for 4sVolution51The last Normal Attack hit has a 20% chance to restore 1 Sword QiOvercast75Coverage'sfirst hit will mark the target, within the next 5s, the target will take 4% more skill damageCrane Trap75Cloud Stepis changed into a trap skill, creating a Sword Array respectively at the starting point and finishing point of the displacement. The Sword Array will explode when an enemy enters them, damaging and slowing themImminence75Encircling's 2nd hit inflicts a Weak effect on monsters, reducing their DEF by 4% for 8sEntirety94If Coverage deals 3-hit damage, within the next 8s, ATK will increase by 5%Framework94Wudang deals 5% more damage to slowed targetsHegemony94For every enemy hit by Wide Swing, its damage increases by 3%Overtake106Reduces Cloud Step's CD by 1sReaping106When casting a skill, True Martial grants self a stack of Ruthless Nature effect that lasts 10s, max 4 stacks; Thirteen Swords can detonate all Ruthless Nature stacks, each stack increasing its skill damage by 5%Assiduity106Increase Flexible Sword's damage by 6%Interflow123When the swords created by Encircling merge, reduces the target's Crit Rate by 4% for 6sLegerity123After using Cloud Step, MOV SPD increases by 20% for 3sCaveat123If  Wide Swinghits 3 or more targets, gains the Sword Break effect: ATK +6% for 6sArt Talent Tai ChiNameLvlDescriptionOutflow51Easy Way inflicts a DoT on the first hit target, dealing 13% ATK DMG per second over 4sCertainty51If the target is in the Skill Seal status, Typhoon's damage will increase by 30%Sky Abode51When releasing Flexible Sword in Octagon, Easy Way's CD will reduce by 3sHeadway75Octagon grants self a stack of Sword Edge effect per second, at 3 stacks of Sword Edge, all skills' damage will increase by 3%Deep Sigh75When attacked, has a 30% chance to obtain a stack of Stay Static, each stack reducing DMG Taken by 3% for 3s, max 5 stacksNotching75Each Normal Attack's 3rd hit has a 30% chance to mark the target, within the next 5s, deals 2% more damage to the targetOtherness94Inflicts a stack of Ruthless Sage effect that lasts 8s on the enemy within the range of Octagon per second, each stack reducing the target's DEF by 1%, max 5 stacksAwareness94Swan Dive's 2nd hit inflicts the Crane Cry on enemies within range, reducing their ATK by 9% for 4sWhip Hand94Swan Dive's first hit grants the effect: Increase own damage against monsters by 3% for 8sPolyphony106Increases the ATK of teammates in Octagon by 5%Mettle106Pure Yang Power's damage increases by 10%, and applies a stack of Dust Birth effectDignity106Flexible Sword deals 10% more damage to monstersDichotomy123When casting a skill, Tai Chi grants teammates a stack of Eight Wastelands effect: each stack increases ATK and DEF by 1%, max 7 stacksLatitude123When casting Pure Yang Power, decontrols 2 allied players and reduces their damage taken from players by 5% for 8sActuality123Octagon's Charge Points +1
There are combos that will help you achieve maximum efficiency.Combo NameCombo DescriptionCombo SequenceCombo GIFTrue Martial Combo 1Encircling slows
and makes the
target airborne,
then Coverage deals
high ranged DMG,
Wide Swing
accumulates 5 Sword
Qi, and Thirteen Swords
deal AoE DMG
Encircling=>Coverage=>Wide Swing=>Thirteen Swords
True Martial Combo 2Cast skills to accumulate
Sword Qi, then cast
Flexible Sword, and
keep stacking Dust
Birth to increase
Flexible Sword DMG —
provide mobility and
constant output.
Encircling=>Flexible Sword=>Coverage=>Flexible Sword=>Flexible Sword=>Wide Swing Flexible Sword=>Flexible Sword
True Martial Combo 3When controlled,
cast the decontrol
skill, then cast Cloud
Step to keep distance,
in the end, cast
Encircling and Wide
Swing to control
the enemy and
deal DMG.
Cloud Step=>Encircling=>Wide Swing
Tai Chi Combo 1Set up a Sword
Array to increase
own ATK and DEF,
then cast Easy Way
to deal DMG,
in the end, cast
Flexible Sword to
stack Dust Birth
and reduce the CD
of Easy Way
Octagon=>Easy Way=>Flexible Sword
Tai Chi Combo 2When stunned or
ensnared, restore
all Sword Qi —
Pure Yang Power
provides decontrol
and controls the
enemy, Typhoon
continues the
control, and
Swan Dive
deals DMG
Pure Yang Power=>Typhoon=>Swan Dive
Best Regards,WS Team⚔
Last edited: 10.07.2024, 09:05