Beginner's Guide: Tranquility

Posts: 95

Dear Wanderers!
Welcome to the Beginner's Guide to Tranquility, one of the playable sects in Wandering Swordius! This guide will help you learn more about their history in the world of Wandering Swordius, as well as understand their gameplay intricacies!

History of the Sect

The Tranquility Sect is a quiet sect united by a single aim: to protect and assist the weak. Disciples are trained in ancient martial arts to use them for noble purposes.

With good relations with another famous sect, Wudang, Tranquility is known worldwide as the most peaceful and serene sect. They are revered for their dedication to peaceful ideals and the protection of the defenseless.
However, recently, changes have begun within the secluded sanctuary. Unrest among the disciples is causing alarm among those around them. What has led to these changes? What should we be afraid of? Are they capable of handling the emerging problems and maintaining their reputation and ideals during this difficult period?

Sect Features
The primary role of the Tranquility Sect representatives is to help the weak through martial arts based on spiritual practice.
Feature:  Tranquility Disciples generate Holy Seal when fighting. They can accumulate Holy Seal to increase all abilities.
Current Effect Tranquility Sect: All Tranquility classes generate Buddha Power after casting skills, and they will get a stack of Holy Seal after accumulating 100 Buddha Power. Each Tranquility player has a max of 4 Holy Seal stacks, each increasing DMG Dealt by 5%. After generating Buddha Power, it will reduce 8 Buddha Power per second. After reaching max Holy Seal stacks, within 5s, Buddha Power won't reduce. Only by maintaining Holy Seal at certain stacks based on skill CD and Buddha Power can Tranquility players prevail in battle.

Sect Speciality
Each sect has its own two specializations, and for Dharma, these are: Vajra.

Dharma: Disciples of this specialization have the ability to restrain the enemy.

Vajra: Disciples of this specialization have high health and defense stats, which helps them endure a large amount of damage.

DharmaSkill NameSkill IconSkill characteristicSkill DescriptionSkill GIFDragon ClawCharge, CD, Stun,
CD: 12 Sec
Effect range: 5 m
A Catch & throw skill;
charges forward to the enemy and stuns;
after throwing the enemy,
deals AoE DMG;
casting restores Buddha Power
and grant self a 2s Super Armor;
the 1st hit inflicts Vulnerability
(DMG taken from
Tranquility +20% for 10s)
on the main target;
the 2nd hit inflicts it
on other enemies;
if this skill hits the monster
as the main target,
then CD -4s
Fair PestleDMG Up, Output
CD: 12 Sec
Effect range: 4.5 m
Launches multiple
stick strikes on enemies
in a cone; increases massive
Buddha Power upon casting;
the skill damage will
increase by 30% when
it's cast at max Holy Seal
Taming WandCD, Airborne
CD: 14 Sec
Effect range: 8x4 m
Throws the stick into the air,
jumps up and catches the stick,
then slams the ground,
dealing damage to enemies in a
straight line and making
them airborne;
increases massive
Power upon casting;
Fair Pestle's CD will be reset
when it's cast at max
Holy Seal stacks
Karma WheelOutput, Airborne, Slow,
CD: 20 Sec
Effect range: 6 m
Launches multiple
attacks on nearby targets while
slowing them by 30% for
3s and restoring a certain
amount of Buddha Power.
When cast at max Holy Seal,
it will make the target
airborne for 2s and increase
their DMG Taken by
10% for 3s
Reed BundleDemonbane: Increases own
Armor Break by 10%,
at max Buddha Seal,
each Normal Attack
reduces Magic Wand's
CD by 1s

Meditation: When hitting
players in the Super Armor
status with the class skill,
grants self a certain stacks of Meditation
that 16s based on the number 
of enemies hit;
at 5 Meditation stacks, gains a 15% Max HP 
shield that lasts 10s; 
when the Meditation Shield 
is active, casting Magic 
Wand will enter the 
Super Armor status.

: Reduces own
and teammates' DMG Taken
by 3%
Tranquility Dharma
Disciples are both adept
at internal and external work.
They mainly use sticks and
take palms as a supplement.
They will fight
braver to crush the
VajraSkill NameSkill IconSkill CharacteristicSkill DescriptionSkill GIFLion’s RoarTaunt
CD: 8 Sec
Effect range: 5 m
Tanut skill;
makes a lion roar,
forcing non-player
units to attack
the caster for 6s;
slightly increases
the caster's Buddha
Power, and when
the Holy Seal stack
is less than 1,
grants the caster
2 stacks of Holy Seal.
Hard PearlsSuper Armor, Move,
DMG Reduction
CD: 18 Sec
Effect range: 4 m
Summons beads to
circle around the
caster and keep
hitting the enemy
for 5s; when
channeling, the
caster takes 20%
less damage and
gains Super Armor.
Pure BranchMove, Pull Monsters,
HP Increase
CD: 15 Sec
Effect range: 4 m
Launches multiple
stick strikes on
enemies ahead;
the first hit can
pull a non-boss
unit to the caster's
side; each hit
grants the caster
a stack of Blood
Surge, which
increases the
caster's Max HP
by 2% for 10s.
Vajra SutraShield
CD: 20 Sec
Effect range: 6 m
Blessed by the
Vajra, the caster
deals damage to
nearby enemies
and gains a 7%
Max HP shield
that lasts 10s.
StillnessUnyielding: Increases
own Max HP by 20%,
greatly reduces damage
taken from monsters 

Gold Body: Holy Seal's
effect is changed to
reducing own DMG
Taken by 3% per stack;
at more than 3 Holy Seal
stacks, Vajra keeps
the Super Armor effect,
and restores 1% of
Base Max HP after
each normal attack 

Infinitude: Reduces own
and teammates'
damage taken by 3%
Tranquility Vajra
Disciples can
channel Qi to
protect themselves and allies.
They are
known for
their ferocity
and rely on internal
power to resist external damage.

Ultimate Ability
Conditions for unlocking Ultimate skills:

1. Reach level 38
2. Complete the Main Quest – Character 1 Grab Manual - Be Enlightened
Effect:  Fires high speed palm blasts from the sky, the last hit makes the enemy airborne for 2s; within 10s after casting this skill, own DMG Reduction +30%; deals 850% Base DMG + 850% All Elements DMG

Ultimate: Equipping with Ice Core Ultimate can increase this Ultimate's practice stat by: ATK+10%

Inner Art – Art Talent

Upon reaching level 51, you unlock the Art Talent, where you can learn talents that will enhance the effectiveness of your skills.

Art Talent Dharma
NameLvlDescriptionMusing51Tranquility restores 15 Buddha Power from each normal attack hitAbidance51Stunned and airborne enemies will take 10% more damagePurgation51Extends the duration of Fair Pestle and increases its total damageHoly Seal75Each stack of Holy Seal additionally increases own damage by 1%, but the Buddha Power cost per second will be increased to 10Penance75Taming Wand exts the enemy's Airborne duration by 1sExtractor75Reduces the CD of Fair Pestle by 1.5sTempering94Dragon Claw's 1st hit additionally restores 30 Buddha PowerErrancy94Karma Wheel's final hit slows the enemy by 30% and inflicts a 10% Vulnerability effect, lasting 4sUnshading94Dragon Claw deals 15% more damage to monstersPure Sky106Increases Dharma's Armor Break by 5%Mantra106When using Karma Wheel, reduces own DMG Taken by 10% and enters Super Armor all the timeBeatitude106Taming Wand inflicts a mark on the enemy, within the next 10s, Tranquil Sticks deals 3% more damage to marked enemiesFluidity123When Dragon Claw fails to catch & throw the target, reduces the meditation time by 4sCertitude123The required number of Meditation stacks triggering a shield is reduced by 1Quashing123For every target hit by Fair Pestle's first hit, this skill's damage increases by 10%, max 50% increase
Art Talent Vajra
NameLvlDescriptionAfflatus51The upper limit of Holy Seal is increased to 5 stacksRequital51Returns 2% DMG Taken to the attackerGold Bell51Uses Vajra Sutra to activate a Gold Bell Barrier, reducing affected monsters' damage by 25% and affected players' damage by 15% for 5sUpholder75Each stack of Holy Seal additionally increases DEF by 1.5%Unconcern75When in the Super Armor effect, DMG Taken -2%Sacrament75Uses The Infinitude effect granted by each hit of Pure Branch increases own HP by 3%Lightness94When Vajra HP drops below 20%, resets the CD of all school skills, can be triggered once every 60sVestiture94Extends the duration of Hard Pearls to 6sReverence94Monsters hit by Pure Branch will get their damage reduced by 5% for 5sSalvation106Stillness increases teammates' DMG Taken effectiveness to 5%Decorum106Vajra Sutra ensnares the enemy hit for 3sCrucible106Monsters taunted by Lion's Roar will take 2% more damageChastity123The range of the Gold Bell Barrier activated by Vajra Sutra is increased and its duration is reduced to 6s, meanwhile, it provides allied players within range the Super Armor effect.Open Gaze123Hard Pearls slows affected enemy players by 25% and ignores their Super ArmorReprimand123Lion's Roar reduces the enemy hit's damage by 7% for 4s

There are combos that will help you achieve maximum efficiency.Combo NameCombo DescriptionCombo SequenceCombo GIFDharma Combo 1Dragon Claw allows to charge
at the target and stun it,
Taming Wand makes it Airborne,
then Karma Wheel slows it and
deals AoE DMG
Dragon Claw=>Taming Wand=>Karma Wheel
Dharma Combo 2At full Holy Seal, casts
Karma Wheel to make
the target airborne and
create the longest
control effect.
Dragon Claw=>Taming Wand=>Fair Pestle=>Karma Wheel
Dharma Combo 3At full Holy Seal, casts
Taming Wand to reset
Fair Pestle's CD, and then
uses this effect to launch
the highest hit combo and
deal the most damage.
Dragon Claw=>Fair Pestle=>Karma Wheel=>Taming Wand=>Fair Pestle
Vajra Combo 1Lion's Roar quickly stacks
Holy Seals and attracts
monsters, Pure Branch
pulls the enemy to the
caster's side, then Vajra
Sutra grants a shield to the
caster and allies
Lion’s Roar=>Pure Branch=>Vajra Sutra
Vajra Combo 2Casts Vajra Sutra to grant
self a shield, then casts
Hard Pearls to reduce
own DMG Taken; when
used in emergency, it can
secure the caster's safety.
Vajra Sutra=>Hard Peals

Best Regards,WS Team⚔
Last edited: 18.06.2024, 17:37